You’re invited! Join us for one of our monthly meetings, open carves or monthly Zoom meetings:
Monthly Meetings
When: Third Tuesday each month 6:00pm
Where: Community Methodist Church, 130 Tennyson Drive, Lancaster
Our Monthly Meetings consist of an hour of carving with friends, tutorials, short classes or how-to’s followed at 7:00pm by a short business meeting that includes a “Show and Tell” to share our latest creations or work in progress with the club. And of course, little snacks and drinks are typically provided.
Open Carves
When: First Thursday each month 9:00 – 11:00am and 6:00 – 8:00pm.
Where: Community Methodist Church, 130 Tennyson Drive, Lancaster
Our Open Carves are ad hoc opportunities for our members to get together, share some laughs, and trade carving insights. Woodcarving is a VERY social activity! We have two sessions each month – one for morning people, and another for the after-work crowd. The morning Open Carve usually begins with breakfast at the Bridgeport Family Restaurant at 8:00am, before heading to the Church to carve.
You’re welcome to visit us anytime! No matter your skill level – novice to expert - you’ll find a friendly, supportive environment in which to explore your woodcarving with the Lancaster County Woodcarvers Club. We hope to see you soon!
For a map to our meeting place, see our contact page.
Lancaster County Wood Carvers
(Our Officers and Such)
Ken Kuhar, President
Don Swartz, Vice President
Tom Longenecker, Treasurer
Barry Miller Sr., Secretary
Ken Kuhar, Endgrain Newsletter Editor
Donna Dieter, Membership
Jim Feather, Club Historian
Phil Machonis, Club Librarian
Jeff Pretz, Publicity and Advertising
Lancaster County WoodCarvers ByLaws
Join Us!